Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I decided for Lent I wanted to make a commitment to write every day.  It might be tough while I'm away in Florida for the next couple of days, but I figure if you make a commitment to God, you'd better take it pretty seriously!

So tomorrow I head to Florida, which I am shockingly not excited for because it combines my fear of flying with my dislike for not being in control of my own schedule.  Plus it means I won't be able to see this guy for a few days...

But considering someone else is paying me to sit on a beach, eat good food, and enjoy the sun for a few days, I should probably get over it.  I'm really hoping to get a few good runs in while I'm down there too.  We've had some cold and rainy weekends lately, and it's usually dark before I get home from work so I've really missed being able to run outside.  I'm looking forward to daylight savings time when it's sunny until 8 p.m.!

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